BlueCielo TeamWork 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About application links > About the Autodesk Inventor link > About TeamWork Derive

About the TeamWork Derive command

The TeamWork Derive command is a feature of the Autodesk Inventor application link. The command is added to the shortcut menu of all parts and assemblies inside Autodesk Inventor. TeamWork Derive allows you to create a new derived component on the fly and replace the existing occurrences of the source component with the newly derived component in the active model assembly.

For example, suppose that you want to make a new assembly that is exactly the same as an existing one but is longer. You can use the Derive command in TeamWork to copy the existing assembly to a new assembly that initially uses all subassemblies and parts of the original assembly. Then, you can open the new assembly in Autodesk Inventor and use TeamWork Derive to create copies of the parts or subassemblies that will change. This also replaces any references to the original parts or assemblies with the new parts or assemblies.

Autodesk Inventor lets you derive a part or assembly from another base component using its Derived Component command. This clones a design so that changes to the base part are represented in the derived part. You can break the link between the base part and the derived part. The TeamWork Derive command in Autodesk Inventor is very different from the Autodesk Inventor Derived Component command in that changes to the original part are not reflected in the derived part.

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